Do not get stuck with formula type greeting cards. If you want to create color greeting cards today, you have to get fresh new ideas and go for more modern types of layouts. If you are all out of ideas, or do not know where to start though, you should not worry. Here in this article, I will help you find some modern inspirations for your cards. Just read the list below and follow through on these practices. Believe me, it will be easier to get fresh new ideas for your cards.
1. Take it from the Internet.
The Internet is vast and the Internet is free. You can take a lot of inspiration from the Internet when it comes to designing cards. Pay particular attention to those sales landing pages of many websites as well as the specific styles of popular web 2.0 websites.
Just look at how Twitter designs their homepage or see how Google changes their main search page every so often and you will see the best examples of digital art styles today. By matching the sleek and cute web 2.0 styles of these sites, your color calendars will look very modern and of course very trendy indeed.
2. What those mobile gadgets are doing.
Look at those mobile devices and you will also see some of the best types of digital art today. From the sleek interface of the iPad to the cute icons and effects on android enabled devices, you will see how the best digital artists design portable easy to carry materials.
Since cards are more or less mobile display devices as well, you can take inspiration of how these devices render their displays and of course compose their artistic styles. Those icons, backgrounds and text can be a good thing to match or take inspiration from for your color cards.
3. Advanced digital art.
You can actually also gain a lot more extra inspiration from advanced digital art. Look at the cool new art styles getting produced from artists and deviantart for example and you will see how they manipulate the best in digital design technology to create amazing wallpapers, banners and icons.
They are the masters of digital compositing and rendering and typically those art styles can easily be adapted to cards. So you may want to review those digital art sites and see what is now being done with these digital renderings.
4. Highly modified card templates.
It is also possible to alter the actual structure of those cards. By using highly modified templates that have extra folds, slits and pop up elements, you can add a whole new different dimension to those cards, making them all the more impressive and distinct.
Just make sure that the greeting card can still be easily carried and sent through email and you should be okay. The more different the configuration is, the more memorable and fun that greeting card should be to people.
5. Alternative greeting card printing.
Finally, you can go beyond the typical paper materials and ink materials in card printing and use alternatives. These alternative paper and inks can imbue a lot of new features into the greeting card making it really look different. Glossy and metallic type inks in printing are a good initial example.
They give that elegant and gleaming effect to cards, helping them hem in their messages. So ask your printer about your alternatives when it comes go greeting card printing. Try to use more exotic materials for a great more modern effect in your greeting cards.
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